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New Book: Inside Azure Management V4
Month: May 2020
28 May

New Book: Inside Azure Management V4

  • 28 May, 2020
  • Alexandre Verkinderen

Super proud to announce that our new book Inside Azure Management V4 has been released! This book is the 4th edition and covers a broad range of Azure Management related topics like cloud governance, process automation, infrastructure updates, application, and container monitoring. Writing an ebook was something new to me and definitely a refreshing experience compared to paperback System Center Unleashed series.

15 May

Use Azure DevOps Self Hosted agents with Azure App Service access restrictions

  • 15 May, 2020
  • Alexandre Verkinderen

By default, when you deploy a new Azure WebApp, Function app or API app it will be publicly available to the internet. For the current customer I’m working on we made it a standard that all webapps should not be directly publicly available. To enhance our security we deploy Azure Frontdoor and Azure API Management Service for our APIs and also enable IP restrictions. As mentioned in my previous blog post we currently use Azure DevOps with Microsoft hosted agents to build and release all of our web apps and API apps.

08 May

Use Azure DevOps pipelines for continuous delivery of APIs to Azure API Management Service

  • 08 May, 2020
  • Alexandre Verkinderen

One of my customers is on a journey to re-architect old on-premises web application to more modern webApps using APIs. All APIs should use Azure DevOps CI/CD pipelines and will only be exposed through Azure API Management Service. We wanted to ensure that every time a developer has released a new build the API definition in APIM would get updated.